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Although almost no one is thinking about the rugby season right now, we are facing the prospect of a very long winter followed by (god-willing) an actual rugby season next summer. So it is a good time to think of how you are going to stay/get in better shape over the colder months so we don't hit the pitch looking like a bunch of sloths.

The offseason is a crucial part of a normal rugby year and the Club wants to help support your rugby and life goals by getting everyone on a program.

Over the next few weekends, S&C Coach Mack will be running baseline fitness testing for the whole Club. All the testing will be doable, regardless of your current fitness level. We are looking to create a starting point so people can create their fitness goals and easily measure progress through the re-testing we’ll do in the spring.

Here are the details:

What – Fitness testing – 4 simple strength tests and a run test (Overhead Press; Deadlift; Med Ball Throw; Vertical Jump; 1km run time (1km run, rest period, 1km)

*No experience necessary for any of these. Mack will walk you through the technique and you are free to ‘opt out’ of any test you are not comfortable with.

**If you have additional testing you’d like to do (how much ya bench?), Mack is willing to facilitate.

***If you have specific goals and are looking for feedback, programs, resources, etc., any/all of that can be arranged.

Where – Mack’s gym (downtown near Gladstone) OR feel free to do they testing on your own and send in your results (although, we strongly encourage you to let Mack help you out!!)

When – the next three weekends. Just follow the booking link below for your preferred time and date.

Why – Because of all the reasons! Goals are good. Metrics to track goals are better. It’s good for your physical health, but it also supports your mental health, as well!

Who – You and Mack.

TL;DR – contact Mack if you have questions –


The following link will direct you to the Doodle scheduling app. Here, you will be able to view the time-slots available for testing, and book yourself in. You can easily do this on your phone, or computer.

A maximum of 3 OBBRFC members will undergo testing in a single time slot. All testing sessions will begin at the top of the hour, regardless of the time you book in for. For example, if Shaggy books his session in at 9:00am, Will books his in at 9:15am, and Catton books his session at 9:30am, all three guys will arrive, ready to go for 9:00am.

Due to the current public-health circumstances, Mack is asking that all participants to bring a mask or face-covering to wear during the indoor-testing. He will sanitize all of the equipment that participants will be using, between uses.

In advance of the sessions, he will provide more detail in regards to the location, and protocols related to testing.

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