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Touch Wednesdays

The OBBRFC will be running touch rugby activities through the summer.


The purpose of Touch Wednesdays is to provide a fun outlet for players to continue participating in rugby activities without the physical demands of playing full contact sports. 


This experience is open to players of all ages and genders, and will be run pick-up style (show up, form teams, and play). 


Touch Wednesdays begins on May 18 and will run at Glebe Collegiate at 7pm every Wednesday until the end of August.


All participants must be registered with Rugby Ontario insurance to play: Anyone who is already registered for contact rugby is welcome to show up and join.


A non-contact registration is also available for a nominal rate of $95 for anyone who only wishes to participate.


If you are registered/insured with another Club in any capacity but want to participate, please contact us at

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