For the past five years, the OBBRFC has been giving players a free Beavers and Banshees t-shirt upon registration at the beginning of every season (thanks again to our sponsors for making this possible).
Every year, the Exec opens the floor to submissions from Club members to help come up with designs to put on the front of the shirt (there's even a blog about it!).
The Exec is pleased to announce that it is once again hosting the open design contest for the 2019 Club shirts.
The stakes on this year's prize are huge. Not only will the winner receive $50 off their 2019 dues, but they’ll also earn the glory of having their design featured on 180 Beavers & Banshees t-shirts. That sort of bragging rights is pretty much priceless.
Few rules:
• The words Beavers, Banshees, and Rugby must all be featured prominently.
• The design must be a FINAL submission. No half-cooked ideas allowed (there are no graphic design artists on the Exec, so they won't be able to complete your design ideas for you).
• The design must be monochromatic (one colour). You can choose the shirt/background colour if it helps support your design.
Email your submissions to ottawabeaversbansheesrfc@gmail.com no later than January 15. Feel free to post on our Facebook page or send them to us on Instagram for popular consideration, as well.