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Our Club Sponsor, Strathmore Pro Services, does commercial landscaping services in the summer (you may have noticed their trucks at the Tulip Festival and Dow's Lake this spring), and they also do snow removal through the winter at a variety of locations (Rideau Hall, Amazon Distribution Centre, etc). Most importantly, they are looking to hire members of the OBBRFC through the winter.

They don't require any specific experience, and they pay really well (around $20/hour, plus tonnes of overtime when it snows), and they cover your summer rugby registration if you work more than 10 shifts with them. Plus, Carrots worked there all last winter and can confirm that it's a great company to work for.

If you are looking for work this winter, please fill out the survey below and we will send them your contact info so they can reach out to you with an interview (and job offer):

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