The senior men started their fall rugby campaign with their first full game of rugby in nearly two years via Thursday evening game against the uOttawa Gee-Gees.
The first half of the game was our 1st XV against the Gee-Gees varsity lineup. Although the Gee-Gees had an exceptionally strong roster, the Beavers held their ground, played some strong defence, and only let in two tries.
The second half saw our 2s play the uOttawa Development Roster - on the downside, the Gee-Gees scored several more tries against us in that half… but on a positive note all the uOttawa players who scored on us were Beavers (those dam Roy brothers!!).
Overall, it was awesome to finally get back on the pitch, and even better to be fielding more than two full men’s sides going into the fall season. We’re super excited to be playing again, and we look forward to the coming games in the next few months.
