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On Thursday, the OBBRFC held their first annual Turkey Bowl Touch Rugby Tournament going into the Thanksgiving weekend.

The tournament was solid, light-hearted fun, and it was terrific to give everyone in the Club a chance to mingle, juniors, seniors, men and women alike. It's also astounding (see: unprecedented) to have over 50 people out to play touch this late into the fall, so we owe a debt of gratitude to our awesome rugby family.

Team picks were done on the fly to start the tournament, and it would appear co-captains Finn and Sophie will make excellent rugby scouts in the future, having selected a strong lineup for their team, the Fighting Mongooses, who stormed their way to claim the championship.

As a reward for winning the Turkey Bowl, a turkey was donated to the Ottawa Food Bank in the name of the Fighting Mongeese.

We look forward to making this event an annual fixture in years to come!

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